بازشناسی و تحلیل روند ادواری ساخت و توسعه مسجد امام (ره)بروجرد

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


عضو هیأت علمی پژوهشگاه میراث فرهنگی و گردشگری



مسجد امام(ره) بروجرد از لحاظ نوع، طرح و پلان در زمرۀ مساجد چهار ایوانی طبقه‌بندی می‌شود و در اکثر منابع به‌عنوان اثری از دوره قاجار معرفی گردیده است، برخی الگوی اولیه آن را مسجد امام (ره) تهران و مسجد نبی(ص) قزوین، قلمداد نموده‌اند. این بنا از گونه مسجد/ مدرسه‌های ترکیبی(متداخله) است که کارکرد بخش زیادی از فضاهای معماری مسجد، آموزشی بوده است و باوجود ویژگی‌های خاص تاریخی، معماری، سبک‌شناختی، اما تاکنون مطالعۀ درخوری که شناخت کافی از تاریخ و الگوی ساخت، ویژگی‌ها و تحولات معماری آن به دست دهد ارائه نشده است. هدف از نگارش این مقاله، بررسی روند ادواری ساخت و توسعه مسجد بر اساس تحلیل ساختار و شواهد معماری و کتیبه‌های آن است، تا از این طریق بتوان درحد امکان لایه‌های پنهانی از دوره‌های ساخت این مجموعه را شناسایی نمود و تقدم و تأخر آن را نسبت به مساجد مذکور ارزیابی نماید. پژوهش حاضر به شیوه تک‌نگاری با نگرش تاریخ معماری به موضوع پرداخته و از روش توصیفی- تطبیقی- تحلیلی بهره گرفته است؛ در این رابطه پس از بررسی میدانی، منابع مکتوب مرتبط با موضوع موردمطالعه و سنجش قرارگرفته و با موارد مشابه مقایسه شده است. نتایج این پژوهش نشان می‌دهد که این بنا بر اساس ساختار و ویژگی‌های معماری و کتیبه‌های آن، پیش از دوره قاجار بنیان شده است و در دوره قاجار مورد مرمت قرارگرفته و توسعه‌یافته است.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Recognition and analysis of the periodic process of construction of Imam Mosque in Boroujerd

نویسنده [English]

  • Ali Sajadi
Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism
چکیده [English]

Recognition and analysis of the periodic process of construction
The largest in the province of Lorestan, mosque, The Imam/ Soltani Borujerd Mosque. This mosque, it's a kind of mosque/compound school. The function of some of the mosque's architectural spaces has been educational. Imam Mosque is classified as a four-porch mosque in terms of type, design, and plan. This mosque has been introduced as a Qajar building, some have considered its initial model as Imam Mosque of Tehran and Mosque of the Prophet (PBUH) in Qazvin.  This shows that they are already designed for the 4-Eivanei mosque. Most of the scholars who have mentioned it in their books and articles have considered it to belong to the Qajar period. (Azizi 1383: 78; Gudarzi, 1390; Goodarzi 1391: 173-191) Meanwhile, the existence of inscriptions with the names of Qajar kings, inside the west porch (dated 1248 AH) and the north door of the mosque (dated 1291 AH) has strengthened the suspicion that the mosque was built during the Qajar period.
Contrary to the opinion of scholars, who date the inscription of the western porch to 1209 AH, the date in this inscription is unclear and appears to have been deliberately destroyed. The inscription of the west Eivan dated “1 …1” AH. The oldest recorded date to in the mosque. But, what is recognizable is two numbers of a "1 ... 1" at the beginning and the end of its history. It can be considered the years 1191, 1201, or 1291 AH. And since the inscriptions were written in the Nasta’liq script, they differ from the other inscriptions in the north and south porches, which are in the sols line, dated 1209 AH, in terms of line type, writing style, and decorative frame. Although this mosque has special architectural and stylistic features, it has not been properly studied so far.
In this article, an attempt has been made, based on the available inscriptions and architectural evidence; the architectural structure and structural changes of the mosque should be analyzed, and the periodic process of its construction should be recognized and analyzed.And answer these questions: In what period was the mosque founded? Is as mentioned in historical texts; Made by Hesam Al-Saltanah, ruler of the Qajar period in Boroujerd? Which mosque was its original model?
Materials and Methods: The present research has dealt with the subject from the perspective of architectural history in a research monograph method and has used the descriptive-comparative-analytical method; In this regard, after reviewing the building, written sources related to the subject have been studied and compared with similar cases.To recognize the construction periods of Imam Boroujerd Mosque, its structure, inscriptions, and practical decorations have been studied and compared with the buildings of the same period.
In total, the construction and development of the mosque have taken place in several different periods: Period 1: On both sides of the dome space, there are two columned porticos, the stone columns of these porticos have been reinforced and covered with brick piers during the construction of the mosque for unknown reasons. And the decoration of most of these columns is semi-finished. However, the manner of decoration in the base of the column and its decorative grooves are comparable to the columns of the Vakil Mosque in Shiraz. Period 2: According to the contents of the west porch inscriptions, the second period should be considered as the year of completion of the two west and east porches.
Third period: According to the tile inscription, the northern gate was repaired during the reign of Fath Ali Shah Qajar and Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar.
Conclusion: Conclusion: The results of this research show that based on the structure and characteristics of architecture and its inscriptions, this building was founded before the Qajar period and was restored and developed during the Qajar period.
Regarding the modeling of the mosque, considering that the Imam Boroujerd Mosque is a combination of domed mosques with a columned nave. Structurally, they are different from Imam Tehran and Nabi Qazvin mosques. Their plan has a precise framework, while Imam Boroujerd mosque does not have a single and coherent plan and does not have the usual symmetry between Imam Tehran and Nabi Qazvin mosques. Imam Boroujerd Mosque has been built during several consecutive periods and its various organs, components, and spaces have been connected over time and several periods and have reached the current cohesion, in this respect with Imam Mosque of Tehran and other Mosques that have a specific framework are different. In addition, it is older than the Tehran Mosque (which according to the inscription inside the dome of the house was built in 1224 AH) and the Nabi Qazvin Mosque (which according to the inscription was founded in 1210 AH). Based on this, the theory is rejected that this mosque is modeled on Imam Mosque in Tehran and Nabi Mosque in Qazvin.
Funding: There is no funding support.
Authors' Contribution: The authors confirm their contribution to the paper as follows: This article was written by Ali Sajadi
Conflict of Interest: Authors declared no conflict of interest.

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کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • "Soltani Mosque"
  • "Imam Khomeini Mosque"
  • "Boroujerd
  • Four Porch"
  • " Zandieh Architecture"